
The number one reason why people can't sleep is due to a busy and buzzing mind.


In order to sleep we need to slow down our busy mind.


Maybe you can remember a time when you felt so relaxed that you drifted into a really deep sleep ?

Maybe you can remember being on holiday and sleeping really well?


Just by remembering how that looked and felt and comparing that memory with how it is when you don't sleep so well , might give you a clue as to what you need to do in order to sleep that quality of sleep tonight. 


If you look at the brain wave pattern of yourself right now, it will be in beta - this is the pattern of normal waking consciousness. In order to drop into the first level of sleep, your brain wave pattern need to slow down. Then in order to drop into even deeper levels of sleep, your brain wave pattern need to slow down even further.


So let me ask you - what is it that you need to do tonight in order to allow your brain waves to slow down enough for you to not just sleep but to sleep really deeply ?


sleep graph

















I look forward to continuing this conversation with you tomorrow.

Here is a free gift on itunes for you to try out to see if this will help your mind to slow down tonight. It's a story that I read in a slow calm way. A simple children's story to engage your mind so that it can't think about other things. By focusing your mind on listening to this story, your mind will no longer be able to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, so enabling it to slow down and so allowing you to sleep.

Try it.

See you tomorrow.

Love Dr C.