
This is an excellent entry point into your journey of developing the skill of good sleep.
You can start with the Basic package and later buy additional 1 on 1 sessions with Dr Caroline or you can jump right and take advantage of the Combo and work with her 1 on 1 from the start or if you need more individual help the delux might be what you need(see below)......




For anyone needing extra help you can buy an extra hour session with Dr Caroline at any time.




This is for anyone who needs more help. The full Sleep Kit, Support Forum and two half hour sessions with Dr Caroline and weekly email access to her.





 If you need more help and have had issues with insomnia for some time, then I suggest that you work with me 1 on 1 for the full 30 days.  This is for people who want to fast track, and for anyone committed to make changes to improve both quantity and/or quality of their sleep. 

♦   You will have four skype sessions with me in person – a total of four hours over the month.

 ♦  You will have reasonable email access to me on weekdays for the full 30 days.

♦  I will send you questions for you to think about  prior to each   session in order that you can make the most of your session time.