
 Your Journey to Good Sleep with Dr Caroline
in 4 STEPS using 4 KEY TOOLS over 4 WEEKS




If you have problems with sleeping and are ready to experience a better quality and quantity of sleep so that you wake every morning feeling restored and refreshed from a good nights sleep then it's time for you to let me help you.

This Sleep Kit is my way of helping people like you to sleep well without the use of pills and potions.


It is a drug free approach to good sleep.


Sleeping well is not just a science but it is also an art. In this kit I help you to develop this art of good sleep.

There are many studies that prove that CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is far more effective in the long term than sleeping pills for people with sleep problems who want to sleep well.

As a result of this research there are many sleep programmes all around the world using CBT.

This Sleep Kit goes that much further than CBT.


I guide you on this  journey as you discover what you need to practice in order to sleep well.



I use body-mind exercises to help you to re associate your bed and your bedroom with relaxation and sleep.

I give you short daily podcasts; guided relaxations; sleep confidence processes and mindfulness exercises as I guide you to stop the fight with sleep and instead focus on something completely different.

You learn to take back control and charge of your mind and so train it to sleep.


With this Sleep Kit you get access to the whole Kit as soon as your buy it.
This means that you can go at your own pace.
There is no waiting around for the next module to arrive in your inbox.
It's all here.


It is designed to be done over a one month period to give you time to practise and deepen your new experience of good sleep.


Some people enjoy listening to my voice as I guide them through the podcasts, relaxation processes and sleep confidence exercises.

Others prefer to read, so all the podcasts are provided in written form as well.

There is also a private facebook group that you can join to get support from others doing the programme and to ask questions from Dr Caroline. Support is an important part of The Sleep Kit.




The podcasts are designed to be easy to listen to. This Kit is packed full of help and guidance and is simple to follow and to understand. Whilst there are twenty eight podcasts guiding you through the journey to good sleep they range in length from just four and ten minutes and I have purposely kept them short enough so that I only share one concept at a time.




An essential part of this process is to associate bed with relaxation, peacefulness, comfort and sleep.




Most people who have been suffering from problems sleeping have developed a negative association of bed with not being able to sleep and all the frustration that that brings. These sleep confidence exercises help you change that.

By practicing these exercises you will re train your mind to think of your bed and sleeping in a different way.

If you ask someone to think of something that makes them smile and feel good they might tell you that just by thinking about a certain time in their life or their pet or their child or grandchild it immediately brings a smile to their face.


In the same way by doing these exercises Dr Caroline helps you to associate bed with comfort and calm.




In order to sleep you need to feel relaxed and calm.


Relaxation is a skill which improves with practice. By listening to relaxation processes or simple children's stories during your day and/or when you go to bed at night, helps you to prepare your body and mind to sleep.


Beautiful woman lying in hammock


Join in the private facebook page to share your successes with others and to ask questions.



Know that others have gone through the frustration of problems sleeping as well......and they also are part of this tribe of people learning to sleep well once again.