You are on a long haul flight with hours ahead of you.

However this flight is different...  To your delight you discover that Virgin Atlantic has Snooze Zone on their in flight entertainment podcasts series.

You decide to try it.

Now as a busy working woman you have been working flat out and now you are taking this long flight! Sigh!!

Yet - just wait -  for you are about to receive a wonderful gift - a gift from Virgin.

Instead of finding this flight long and boring and tedious you will actually find it restorative!

Here's why...

By listening to stories on Snooze Zone you find yourself feeling relaxed, soothed and restored.

The stories you choose are by Oscar Wilde: The Selfish Giant and The Happy Prince. Also The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams.

Dr Caroline's voice is soporific and almost hypnotic and you drift into a deep restorative sleep.  Before you know it you have slept for four hours and you are feeling so different already.

You are intrigued to listen to more.

You decide to listen to the podcast series called The Sleep Kit - you start with the one on how to minimise jet lag.

Yes - sounds good - how to arrive at your destination and not spend the next two weeks recovering from your flight feeling so groggy  - something that in the past has often stopped you exploring the world.

This time you will arrive and know how to get into the new zone faster.

What do top athletes do when they fly across time zones? Ha- that's why they can fly so often - how clever the body is!

Now you are hooked! What else is there?  How about that podcast on how to develop a good habit?

Before you know it you have arrived - blast - if only the flight lasted just a bit longer !! Still you will listen to the rest on your return journey......

The Selfish Giant - by Oscar Wilde ( will be modified for Virgin - this is a sample )

Here is one podcast for The Sleep Kit.


In premium economy and upper class along with the audio Sleep Kit your customers receive a physical kit called The Sleep Kit - with an eye mask, ear plugs, a pair of  bed socks and a memory stick with relaxing stories, information and tips and tricks on how to sleep well even when they stay in a different hotel every night till their return.

Of course this kit is a constant reminder of how much Virgin cares.

"For someone who can't sleep and wants to sort out their sleep difficulty once and for all, THIS is the way to go. Once you understand what you need to do in order to sleep well... everything changes."
Shelagh – Policy Planner
"Thank you SO much. I cannot tell you how lovely it is to sleep like a baby. After going through chemo I couldn’t sleep. I found you after months of you tube, guided sleep, meditation, music, waves, dolphins, white noise, Horlicks, etc etc. The pace and tone of your voice is excellent."
Vicki, UK
"Story time works like a dream for me. It’s almost hypnotic. Its calming and immediately gets me into the groove of sleep. I recommend it to everyone."
Terri, UK
"I love listening to Dr Caroline’s calm soothing voice. It banishes all anxiety and transports me into a different zone. I sleep better and deeper."
Bear, UK
"Story time takes my mind away from all the stress and anxiety of the day. It’s absolutely fantastic."
Diane, Cape Town
"I thought Storytime would be too girly for me but it wasn't. Being so busy in the day in my work I very much enjoyed listening to a chapter every night. It slowed down my mind so that I could sleep."
Marketing man USA.
"Thank you Dr Caroline for helping me to sleep during a very stressful time of my life. I just adore your soothing voice and I feel like I am again a small child when you read to me. I feel nurtured, safe and secure. The Secret Garden has always been a favorite story of mine as a child. I love it even more now and look forward to bedtime these days!"
"My sister has an autistic son of 11 yrs old. I told her about Storytime. After one of his “episodes” she turns on Storytime to calm him down and soothe him. It works. He has been missing a lot of school due to his behaviour. This really does help."
Vicki , Uk
Hi Cathy - I very much look forward to talking to you.
Warm Regards  Caroline.  mobile : 07477 129 377
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